July 15, 2015: Duke TiP Summer Studies

Duke TiP Summer Studies is nerd heaven to say the least. Learning a semester’s worth of college level courses in three weeks while meeting other intelligent and motivated teens? Who could ask for more? This year, during my three weeks at TiP, I took the Game Theory: Economics class and discovered a world of ideas I had never even touched on before. We learned about Nash Equilibria, Pareto Optimal situations, and many other concepts. Not only was I inspired by my class material, but also by my classmates. I met people that geek out over the same things as I do, people who listen to Radio Lab, have read Brave New World, will get excited over math and science. I live in a community that doesn’t exactly celebrate intelligence. When people say “nerd” or “geek” here, they’re insulting you. So to be immersed in a community that sees education as their hobby was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. T-47 more weeks until I get to go back. I can’t wait.

April 19, 2015: The ACT

My alarm went off far too early on Saturday morning. It is the usual start to testing. I dragged myself in with all the other slightly reluctant higschoolers, presented my photo ID, and was led to my seat where I preceded to wait for the next thirty minutes. As a homeschooler, bubble sheets and teachers reading aloud from the testing protocol is foreign ground. More than anything I found that the ACT was a test of endurance. How long can you stand being bored? Oh, and while you’re at it, tell us, how would you correct this sentence?

I is a good grammar person.


b. are

c. am

d. Delete the bolded section

No, I didn’t steel the question. As I heard many times, “The ACT test booklet and the questions contained are the property of…” or something along those lines. I am sorry if I am cynical about these tests. They are important, and I enjoy getting my scores back, but I find them rather mind-numbing. In the end, though, I am happy I took the ACT for the first time this year and am excited to get my scores back.

Chef and the Farmer

Living in Greenville, NC, the fast food capitol of the world, it is not often that you stumble upon a safe haven for foodies. Amazingly, that haven can now be found in Kinston, NC. It’s no more than 45 minutes from my home town and is called the Chef and the Farmer. I myself am not exactly a food connoisseur. I have a severe peanut allergy which has caused me to avoid a wide range of foods, but even I appreciate restaurants such as the Chef and the Farmer. When I first walked in, I was struck with the beauty. The lights were dimmed, making the space seem larger than it actually was. Music played in the background, but it was gentle, not loud enough to cover the murmur of conversation. Finding our table, my family and I sat. A waitress brought a candle and an old wineglass containing ice cold water. I, not yet being twenty-one, can not remark on the cocktail that my parents ordered, but I can say it was quite beautiful. The food though, the food I can remark on. All of the major ingredients are locally caught, grown, and raised. This knowledge just added to the burst of flavor that filled my mouth with every bite. There baked goods were wonderful as well. Before the main course was served, they brought us their homemade rosemary bread which was to die for. Chocolate mousse, an amazing cake of sorts, and a berry crisp. I left feeling rather stuffed.